UPDATE: 08.16.18 The Spencer Mountain Mansion was demolished today. 06.24.15 There are currently only two residents in Spencer Mountain, ...

UPDATE: 08.16.18
The Spencer Mountain Mansion was demolished today.06.24.15
There are currently only two residents in Spencer Mountain, NC.Two living residents, that is.
No one can seem to agree on the history of this abandoned mansion in Spencer Mountain. Heck, they can't even agree on the name as we have heard different people refer to it as the Spencer Mountain Mansion, the Pharr Yarns Mansion, and the Old Love House. But here's one thing everyone can agree on: it's haunted.

Yeah, we admit it doesn't really look that scary, just abandoned. Let's run it through the Strange Carolinas Scare-O-Vision filter:

There. Now you're scared, right?

Here's what the fine folks at SpencerMountain.com had to say about the mansion:
"The old mansion now sits abroad where the old Spencer Mountain Cemetery used to sit. In fact, the entire hillside from Pharr Blvd. all the way over to Ranlo/Spencer Mountain Road was once a final resting place for many unforgotten souls."
"Lights randomly turn on and off for no reason , batteries in equipment lasts for only minutes, voices talking when no one else is there, music playing when there is no power turned on, tools being moved from one place to another, someone walking around upstairs when no one else is there, children laughing, cold spots throughout the mansion {mostly upstairs and in the basement} and much more..."

After hearing about the mansion and finding ourselves in Gastonia one afternoon, we had to check things out. It wasn't until we made our way to the back of the mansion that we found something interesting.

You see it, right?

The back entrance had been boarded up, but it was clear that something had escaped from the mansion. Since it was only from the waist down, we quickly realized that the Spencer Mountain Mansion was not haunted at all. It was inhabited by leprechauns!
Please note: Strange Carolinas does not condone entering properties without the permission of the owners. However, when there is a hole in the door, we might just go up to the hole and snap a few pictures while remaining outside.

Apparently, the leprechauns are a sad lot:

Who don't really clean up after themselves:

Conclusion: no ghosts, only leprechauns! Another mystery solved by the Strange Carolinas team!
What To Know Before You Go
GPS Coordinates: (35.306885, -81.111026)Location: Spencer Mountain Road, Spencer Mountain, NC

Great interesting story. Thanks for letting us look inside. Love the upstair oval porch. I bet it was beautiful in it"s day!
ReplyDeleteI bet it was beautiful, too. Really wish someone would come in and save it.
DeleteI was there this week and the back door still hasnt been fixed. Can you tell me when you took the pictures? Thanks
ReplyDeleteProbably spring 2015.
DeleteI'm wantingto go there to see it. It looks so beautiful I want to be the one to save it because yeah its old but its beautiful and can still be saved and used
ReplyDeleteWhat's the adress of this place?
ReplyDelete162 Main St, Lowell, NC 28098
DeleteI took a weird pic there a few years back. Still no clue what it was.
ReplyDeleteOf what, and please share! My husband took me to see it a few years ago and it’s since has been demolished!
DeleteIt is my knowledge that my boyfriend will be purchasing this house for more info email me or my at kayceesmith661@yahoo.com or my cousin edwardsarmani@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteDid you purchase this property yet if not do you know who does own it
DeleteWell, apparently he did not purchase it since it was destroyed! Wow, thanks for putting that out there giving somebody hope and then taking it away or are you just bragging? For no reason?
DeleteIt has been torn to the ground.... Makes me very sad
ReplyDeleteNo!! I was there just a couple of months ago!! Did you see it?
DeleteI was there today the house still there is just cover by all the trees now
ReplyDeleteWhat's the address
ReplyDeleteThe house actually really was haunted me and my friends parents who use to be the mayor of the town used it as a haunted house for Halloween and they had to shut it down because of several customers leaving with scratches around there neck and arms and also we had a firefighter working one year and nobody knows what happened but he ran out of the house and his face was very pale and did not want to go back in the house all of this is well documented and we have pictures and documents to prove so saying that I must say this info on this page is very wrong.
ReplyDeleteI’d love to see the pictures & documents you mentioned! I visited the house last fall with my Dad & his girlfriend. Didn’t see anything unusual or hear any strange noises but when we walked into one of the back rooms, there was a fireplace that just as I noticed my name had been carved into the mantel I felt something touch my arm😳. I thought maybe it was a bug or spider web but there really weren’t a lot of cobwebs in the middle of the room. Come to think of it, there weren’t many cobwebs at all! Creeped me out to say the least!
DeleteI have always wanted to go and see the inside of that house. Just walk through time. I'm sure it was so beautiful in it's day. Never found out about haunted house until it was over so I missed my chance to go inside. Nobody would go with me to sneak in and look around. By the time I got someone to go, it was gone. Was heartbroken.
DeleteIts the old Spencer Mountain Community center maintained for years by Pharr Yarns for the benefit of the children and teenagers on the mill hill. They closed it as the decision came to demolish the homes in the mill hill and of course they eventually closed and demolished the mill. For years growing up we played pool there, music, and other few things...LOL and had a great time. We did feel it was haunted too.
ReplyDeleteIt was torn down today iI saw it happen so sad
ReplyDeleteno it wasn't
DeleteYes it was torn down. I go by this property almost every day. I grew up less than a mile from this house and my ancestors graves are across the road from the property at the corner of Spencer MTN Rd.
DeleteI have explored that house many times and can't believe they would tear it down... So disappointing!
ReplyDeleteThe rubbled brick remains are now in my backyard to be used for flower gardens among other things..
ReplyDeleteDummy that's how a ghost follows you home
DeleteIt is gone. Torn down yesterday and hauled off today.
ReplyDeleteI took pictures and have an unexplained one from October 2016. The eerie pic was of the back woods behind the house. Although the house is gone, I'm sure there is still paranormal activity there especially in those woods where the cemetery should be located.
ReplyDeleteTo whom it may concern. I lived on Spencer's mountain my whole life. I know everything about it. I even know the last 2 people that live there. And I know all about who owns it. And I know all about the factory and river by the house. Any questions text me. 1-606-831-9293
ReplyDeleteThe mansion wad located at 222 Spencer Mountain Rd, across the street from the Pharr Yarns Mill at the base of the mountain. The mansion is said to have been built in the late 1700’s on top of the Old Spencer Mountain Memorial Cemetery. The entire hillside from Pharr Blvd. all the way over to Ranlo/Spencer Mountain Road was once a final resting place for many. Some of the old mill houses sit right on top of still visible tombstones. It was later determined that the Love House was not built on top of the graveyard but other houses were. In the late 1990’s land was donated by the property owners to one of the families decedents that were confirmed as having family buried on this same hillside. You can now view this grave site that sits on the hillside on Main Street Spencer Mountain which is approximately 300 feet from the mansion. My ancestor John Hoffman and his descendants are buried there
ReplyDeleteHi Dnpend! The Hoffman's are my ancestors as well!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWho's the last person lives here?
ReplyDeleteHi. Spencer descendant here from one of the founders of the community. Wondering if there are any old Spencer graves that are now visible?
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to research the Spencer clan, I started from the original settlers to the area and trying to work forward which is the exact opposite of normal genealogy research! We were there before they tore the mansion down, the only grave site we saw was across the street where the memorial marker was placed for the Hoffman ancestors. Which Spencer do you descend from? I have Zachariah Spencer as the original settler to the area. He married Mary Bird in Lincoln county in 1785. (Gaston was later carved out of Lincoln in 1846)
ReplyDeleteI'm related to Zachariah Spencer as well. Sarah Spencer was my great great grandmother, who married George Franklin Best. Best were my maternal grandmother's family.
DeleteZachariah was my 7th great grandfather from Ancestry.com. Our branch of the family is in Ohio. Would love to hear from you. My email is brwncowize@yahoo.com
DeleteZachariah Spencer was my 6th great grandfather and I'm a Spencer myself, part of his direct line. I am so devastated to see that the manor has been demolished, I had always wanted to visit it, it's a shame it couldn't have been purchased by someone who could have restored it to it's former glory.
DeleteHouse has been torn down.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, when this home was built in the late 1700’s, did it remain a private residence or was it a hospital? Historical homes have amazing stories to tell. Beautiful home design.
ReplyDeleteThe place is gone but you can still feel Sarah’s presence.
ReplyDeleteI worked there and live up above the mansion back in the 80's we used to go in the cellar door and sit down there for hours. We say "Sara" many times and she was friendly I don't know why she was at unrest but it was incredible wished we had cell phones back ten to take videos.
ReplyDeleteI am sure this place was used as a teen hangout at some point. Probably beer bottles thrown on the floor. What was some of the stories about this mansion?
ReplyDeletewas anybody killed exposing it?
ReplyDeleteI lived on the mill hill and worked at the mill back in the mid to late 80's. I was a fixer in the prep. Dept. 3rd shift. We used to go in it at night mainly on weekends and yes it was haunted. We saw a few entities but not really scary to me. Ugly but not scary. But gone now. I lived up above it and had an underground stream in the back yard everyone would walk up with jugs. I have just recently started metal detecting. I am going there and start looking around.
ReplyDeleteThis house was haunted I grew up right down the rd from it.walking distance we use to go there as a dare or something to do as children. We saw multiple things we could not explain and heard multiple things we could not explain. Including a lady dressed in white that you would see standing on that iron balcony then would just disappear. If you want good haunted place that still exists today look up Lincoln academy in West Gastonia. The scariest place I have ever been and to this day refuse to ever go there ever again
ReplyDeleteI'm back a year later
ReplyDeleteI had been there many many times to photograph it. It could have been so beautiful. Absolutely not haunted. Just sad. I inquired about buying it but of course they weren’t interested. Nobody cares about history.